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Talks Program: Pieces from Berlin - Want to Know More?

Pieces from berlin public program Final.jpg

Please join us for an information session on human trafficking in Australia, presented by Anti-Slavery Australia and 16albermarle Project Space. This international issue affects hundreds of people annually in Australia and is difficult and challenging to police – and yet 65% of Australians do not believe slavery exists in our country. Unfortunately, only one in five people affected finds justice.

This free event accompanies the exhibition Pieces from Berlin: Bussaraporn Thongchai, which features large format drawings by a Thai artist working in the Ban Ying shelter home in Berlin, assisting migrant women from southeast Asia, Africa and eastern Europe who have been the victims of human trafficking.

We hope Australian artists, writers and filmmakers and other creatives will be interested in engaging with the issues around human trafficking after learning more about it and seeing Bussaraporn’s artworks.

3pm John Cruthers, Director 16albermarle, Welcome and opening comments.

 3.20pm Professor Jennifer Burn, Director Anti-Slavery Australia at UTS, provides an outline of the situation in Australia, and speaks about her team of researchers, educators and lawyers working to eliminate all forms of human trafficking and slavery in Australia.

3.30pm Carolyn Kitto and Fuzz Kitto, Founders of the not-for-profit organisation BeSlaveryFree, will speak about their advocacy work with business and investors, consumers, government and civil society and academics.