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Talks Program: Collecting Indonesian Art - Konfir Kabo, Stephen Shaul, John Cruthers

Members of the Australia Indonesia Arts Forum 2019 art study tour are hosted by Benny Santoso Halim at his private museum Rumah Putih in Cilicap, central Java. Participants included Konfir Kabo, Stephen Shaul and John Cruthers

Members of the Australia Indonesia Arts Forum 2019 art study tour are hosted by Benny Santoso Halim at his private museum Rumah Putih in Cilicap, central Java. Participants included Konfir Kabo, Stephen Shaul and John Cruthers

Saturday 5 December 2020, 3.30-5pm
Collecting Indonesian art

3.30pm John Cruthers, The Indonesian art scene and what you need to know to begin collecting. After three decades as an adviser and collector of Australian art, John opened 16albermarle Project Space in 2019 to present recent southeast Asian art to Australian audiences. He has travelled to Indonesia twice yearly since 2014.

4.00pm Konfir Kabo, Australia’s largest collector of Indonesian art speaks about his approach and showcases works from his collection. Indonesian born and of Chinese/Indonesian descent, Konfir was educated in Melbourne and manages a legal practice. A passionate collector of Indonesian art, through his foundation Project Eleven he has supported many residencies, exhibitions and other projects. He is the founder of the Australia Indonesia Arts Forum.

4.20pm Stephen Shaul, Stephen will discuss his collection focusing on politically themed art. After working in restaurants and education, Stephen began collecting when he was drawn to Indonesian political art in Jogja in 2014. He posts on Instagram as @indoartlover and uses it to keep in touch with hundreds of Indonesian artists and to announce new purchases.

4.40pm Q&A followed by drinks

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