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Drawing Workshop: Kate Vassallo - Artist Systems

Kate Vassallo Floating Time, Galerie Pompom 2019 Installation view

Kate Vassallo Floating Time, Galerie Pompom 2019 Installation view

Work with artist Kate Vassallo to consider ways of art making that focus on process by incorporating systems and rules. Over the course of the workshop, participants will develop their own set of materially oriented instructions that form a drawing system. Participants will consider materiality, repetition, bodily movement, seriality, rules and agency. Vassallo will spend dedicated time with workshop participants; to help develop a unique drawing system that interlinks with their existing approach and methodology towards art-making. By the end of the workshop, each participant will have a drawing system that they can continue to use as they move forward with their art practice. This workshop is best suited to early career artists or art students who have an interest in materially focused abstraction, whether they currently practice in this field or not. Basic drawing materials will be provided, but if you have a specific material you know you would like to work with please bring this along. 


Kate Vassallo is a visual artist currently based in Canberra. She has an interest in highly visual abstract forms, designing materially driven systems to use while making. Her artistic practice centres on process-orientated repetition as a way of building material density. Since graduating from the Australian National University School of Art in 2010, she has regularly exhibited in Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne in both solo and group shows. She is currently a finalist in the Adelaide Perry Prize for Drawing 2021, while also recently selected as a finalist in the M16 Drawing Prize 2020, Gosford Art Prize 2020, Fisher’s Ghost Art Award 2020 and was awarded the Preparator’s Artist Residency Award and Highly Commended (Early and Young Career Artist Prize) at the Hazelhurst Art on Paper Award 2019. Her drawings are held in the collections of Artbank and Goulburn Regional Gallery, as well as private collections throughout Australia and the USA.


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